Parish Prayer List
The prayer of those who pray for the world benefits the faithful Christians who have specific and serious problems,
because both the former and the latter 'are turned in the same frequency'.

Elder St. Paisios of Mt. Athos)

The weekly prayer list gathers names submitted by parishioners of Holy Trinity (names of parish members, close friends and family members) who have critical and special needs in their lives so that the congregation can offer prayers for them. The names are typically just listed for two weeks but they may be resubmitted as often as needed. Needs should also be submitted to Fr. Nick as has been done in the past but he will not submit the names to this list: this must be done separately, online, using the link below.

As names appear we encourage all members of Holy Trinity to mention them in prayer as well as considering calling, visiting or writing those who are known personally as this means a lot to those going through the trials of life.

Names are only listed in the weekly bulletin which is sent by email to all parishioners and is available at a link on our homepage. A new list is posted on Friday.

Submit names

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